Get Yer Crab On!

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I was gonna write about something really good but I can't remember it anymore so DAMN IT. Instead: my creativity appears to be broken. SAD! The manager from one of the other stores called earlier and told us there's a competition going on that requires each store to have their own team name and that we needed to pick one. NOOOO!! I suck at picking names! So it was just me and LC and Heather Marie this morning and I was completely stuck and LC wanted to be something bridal-y like the "Crusading Corsets" (gotta admit, that's funny) or the "Galloping Garters" and Heather Marie was hungry, apparently because she offered up "Mudpies" and "Dip Cones". Dip Cones always make me think of Dilly Bars, so when Diane called back I was like "The Dilly Bars?" and there was silence and then I said "It was Heather's idea!" totally pushing my non-creative energy off on someone else (sorry) and Diane kind of loved it, I think. Then from the back of the store, Heather yells out "THE FIGHTING HERMIT CRABS!" and I repeated it and Diane goes "Sweeeeeeet!" and hangs up. Wait, what??? Nooo! Fighting Hermit Crabs? Really? Sure enough, later on we got an e-mail, this weekend going head-to-head in the competition are the "Mustangs" and the "Fighting Hermit Crabs". Holla.